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Tennesse county pays out in wrongful death of inmate

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2018 | Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one to someone else’s negligence can be hard for Tennessee families to overcome, especially for the younger family members. When a parent becomes the victim of a preventable death, the financial support for the children lessens and can leave the surviving parent or caretaker stressed. Filing a wrongful death suit against those responsible for the tragedy could result in monies awarded to help the victim’s surviving family to move forward and cover some of the costs of living.

A 41-year-old male had been arrested for his suspected role some burglaries in 2016. Once arrested, the man was taken to a local jail and held in a booking area. Knowing that the man, who had previous run-ins with the law, was an addict and mentally unstable with suicidal tendencies, the correctional officers failed to put him in a suicide-proof cell. The lack of their follow-through left the erratic man with clothing straps, which allowed him to hang himself.

The settlement was finally reached in December of 2017 by a U.S. District Court Judge and leaves around $475,000 to his two children, ages six and nine. Other lawsuits against the county are pending surrounding the deaths of three other inmates in 2016 alone. An investigation has revealed numerous problems that have since been resolved by the corrections facility.

Regardless of what side of the law a person lands, civil rights are extended to each person. Should these rights be infringed upon and a person is injured or even worse, the possibility of filing a personal injury or wrongful death claim in a civil court may be advisable. A Tennessee lawyer can advise victims and their surviving family members of the best course of action with which to proceed and offer legal counsel.

Source:, “Bradley County, Tenn., agrees to pay children of man who hanged himself in jail“, Zack Peterson, Jan. 5, 2018

