A Tennessee employer may have a variety of reasons for terminating a worker. So long as those reasons are just, fair and do not violate any civil rights, there is not much a terminated employee can do. Should an employee be let go and is able to provide proof that an employment law violation has occurred, a wrongful termination lawsuit could follow the pink slip.
A private prison management company which oversees several Tennessee prisons is facing a wrongful termination lawsuit after a chaplain was let go. The woman claims that she had worked at three other facilities overseen by the company prior to taking the transfer to the one she was fired from. The chaplain goes on to explain that when she began to notice prisoners in the new facility were being denied access to religious counsel she began to send emails making note of it. She also claimed to have witnessed laws being broken and that the more she sent emails making note of the issues, she was let go.
The chaplain is asking for $2 million in her lawsuit. The total includes the maximum amount allowed under the current whistleblower law and for what she claims as public defamation by the company. Her former employer says it has not been served with a lawsuit and usually do not comment on pending litigation.
Should a Tennessee resident be terminated for discriminatory reasons that that violate his or her civil rights, including for whistleblowing, an experienced employment law attorney may be able to help. A lawyer can help investigate the facts and lay out a plan to seek monetary damages for the ex-employee based on facts and evidence. Any monies awarded for a successful claim could help to cover lost wages that would have been earned and other damages recognized by applicable laws.
Source: wsmv.com, “Former prison chaplain sues CoreCivic”, Demetria Kalodimos, Dec. 1, 2017