Many people who are involved in an auto accident in Tennessee think they are not injured. Accident victims are often rattled and tossed around in the incident, but the fact that they have no broken bones or superficial injuries makes them think that there are no problems internally either. This is flawed thinking for the most part.
Everyone involved in an accident should seek some form of medical attention immediately because some injuries such as whiplash may not manifest until the next day or later that night, and being checked out beforehand by a medical professional can be vital to preventing injuries from getting worse.
Potential claim denial
The first issue with failing to go to a medical facility after motor vehicle accidents is the potential for a denied claim. Immediate treatment is a must for some insurance companies when evaluating an injury claim. Additionally, it is assuredly a basis for a counter-claim that the injury is not serious, which could be an excuse for total claim denial.
Later manifestation
Another real possibility following an auto accident is that an unnoticed injury can get worse quickly when internal bleeding is involved. Internal injuries often do not create pain until well after the fact, and the injury could get worse very quickly. This can be a very serious matter due to the potential for massive loss of blood from the bloodstream into the body cavity.
Generates documentation for the injury claim
It is the responsibility of the injured victim to prove that they are injured and that the injury is due to the negligence of an opposing party. This is accomplished with documentation indicating the diagnosis and prognosis for the long-term impact that the injuries will have on the victim. The medical treatment bills serve as an economic starting point in determining general damages for long-term pain and suffering as a result of the injury.
It is never a good decision to think that you can shake off an injury from an auto accident. Internal injuries often do not manifest until much later. Always seek medical attention as soon as possible following an accident even when medical technicians do not treat you at the scene due to injury priority.