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Reminding your teenage driver to stay safe on the road

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2019 | Firm News

The 100 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are often the deadliest for teenage drivers. Statistics indicate that after the summer draws to a close, fatal accidents involving young motorists tend to decrease. While this happens for a number of reasons, driving hazards never really go away completely. 

According to mental health experts, the human brain continues to grow and develop during adolescence. While your teenage driver is likely turning into a responsible adult, brain growth can make adolescents forgetful. Accordingly, you may want to regularly remind the young driver in your family about staying safe on the road. Here are some tips: 

Distracted driving is never acceptable 

Smartphones are everywhere these days. While there is nothing inherently wrong with logging onto Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat when sitting on the couch, doing so behind the wheel can be deadly. As such, you may need to help your teenage driver learn to stash electronic devices until he or she is no longer driving. 

Inclement weather is on its way 

Even experienced drivers sometimes have a difficult time transitioning from summer to winter. While the dog days of summer may seem to drag on forever, inclement weather is on its way. Therefore, think about using autumn to prepare your teenage driver for safely navigating icy roadways. Also, equip your young one’s vehicle with an emergency kit in case he or she becomes stranded during a storm. 

Excessive speed is a recipe for disaster 

You may remember the sense of invincibility that often accompanies adolescence. Still, when teenage drivers exceed posted limits, they put their lives in jeopardy. As a parent, you have an opportunity to set a good example. If you always obey speed limits, there is a better chance your young driver will as well. 

When summer concludes and school starts, both teenagers and parents often feel busier than ever. Nonetheless, using the days and weeks after Labor Day to remind your teenage driver to stay safe behind the wheel is a smart idea. 

