A lot will race through your mind after experiencing a car accident. You may need to go directly to the hospital, which is what happened to four individuals who were in a three-vehicle crash on I-65 on May 19th.
You should see a doctor right away, but you also want to think about your future claim. You may need to take another driver to court to try to recover damages, and that will require having evidence of the scene. Eyewitness testimony and video footage can help, but those may not always be readily available. If possible, you want to take pictures of the auto accident to show to your insurance adjuster and lawyer later.
Take pictures of everything
Most people know to take photos of both vehicles. However, that should only be the beginning. You also want to document any visible injuries anyone sustained, as well as what the weather was like at the time. It can help tremendously to take photos of the general scene of the accident in case the bigger picture reveals anything. There is no such thing as too many photos.
Ask someone to take pictures if you are unable to
It is possible that your injuries will be too severe for you to walk around taking photos in the immediate aftermath. If this is the case, then you should ask someone else in your car to do so. You could also request that any passersby who would be okay with it to take photos. You should always contact the police after a collision, so at the least, law enforcement should be able to photograph everything. Another option would be to call a family member or friend to drive over to the scene to assist you.
Photograph everyone involved
You should also photograph everyone involved with the collision. That includes the other driver and any police officers who arrive at the scene. In the event one party becomes uncommunicative, you will want to know what they look like.