Most people in Tennessee report to work each day, dedicated to performing their job responsibilities to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, there are certain situations in the workplace that could prevent them or make them feel uncomfortable while doing so, prompting them to take action. However, a woman in another state claims that her attempts to do just that resulted in her wrongful termination.
The woman, the former communications director for a police department, announced her intentions to file a lawsuit. In addition to the wrongful termination allegations, she claims she was a victim of abuse of power and retaliation. The claims are regarding alleged interactions with the former deputy police commissioner.
She alleges the man sent her text messages that she considered threatening to her job and contained foul and profane language. She reportedly took the texts to her supervisors to discuss her concerns; however, she says that her complaints made it to the subject of her complaints, and she was terminated. A representative for the woman says that the abuse was systemic as the man used similar language with other employees. A representative for the county that employed the woman says that the lawsuit is without merit and that the woman was fired for cause (though it is unclear what that cause was).
Though there are a variety of different occupations in Tennessee and across the country, a person should feel confident that the ability to do them will not be impeded by unlawful treatment, such as retaliation for making complaints about an abuse of power, regardless of a his or her job responsibilities. Often, those who have been victims of wrongful termination and other violations related to employment law have no other option than to seek justice in a civil court. An experienced professional can help them understand their options and guide them through the process.