Because of the harm that a car accident can cause, drivers have a responsibility to themselves and others they may encounter to remain vigilant at all times. Even an act as simple as changing the radio station can cause car accidents with devastating consequences. Unfortunately, one family in Tennessee is facing this reality after a recent collision resulted in the death of a 17-year-old.
The incident occurred on an afternoon on a day in early May. According to reports, the teen was driving on Tennessee highway when an oncoming vehicle crossed the center line, causing a head on collision. Unfortunately, the teenager passed away at the scene.
The driver of the other vehicle was transported to the hospital where he is considered stable but critical. Police claim that they do not suspect that impairment played was a contributing factor. However, they are investigating the incident as a distracted driving accident. It is unclear what charges — if any — are expected to be filed as a result of the crash.
Unfortunately, a Tennessee family is experiencing an unimaginable loss. In the days following this crash, they must plan her funeral — a task that no parent should have to undertake for a child. In addition to their grief, many families who lose loved ones in car accidents also struggle financially as a result of funeral expenses. To help with these expenses and help ensure that negligent drivers are held accountable for their actions, some families make the decision to file a wrongful death lawsuit in civil court. If negligence can be proved, they could receive an award of damages that will leave them better able to cope with the financial consequences of their loss.
Source:, “Crash Claims Teen”, Cary Malone, May 2, 2017